
Svo Hljótt

Þú söngst til mín svo hljótt

The above is a lyric from the song "Svo Hljótt" by, you guessed it, Sigur Rós. Translated, it means "You sang to me so quietly". One day, I hope I'll be able to meet someone who will sing quietly to me. I myself am quite fond of singing actually; I do it whenever I get a chance and when a song comes up on my player that I know the lyrics to. Despite that, I rarely sing in front of people, I don't even like singing at home when people are there.

There's something intimate about the idea of singing to another person. This probably applies less to the minority of people who have been gifted with the siren's voice. For the rest of us, whom may not have good intonation or a pleasant timbre, to sing to another person is to put oneself in a vulnerable position. One's vocal flaws are exposed and allowed to be readily dissected. Something like that can end pretty poorly if the receiving parties don't really have the singer's heart in mind (i.e. dissections of vocal flaws can lead to entire vivisections of a person's spirit).

Well, I guess the original intention of this post was to link those lyrics to some cheesy notion of "trusting others" but whatever, I'll spare y'all the redundancy. Let's just take a minute and reflect on this idea of "Þú söngst til mín svo hljótt", shall we?

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